You can sort the output by supplying a function via a keyword argument named key=
to extract a comparison key from elements when calling the built-in sorted()
function. In thus case all the callback function does is split the string on the first comma they all contain and returns the substring following it.
a = {'Jane Lee|248 Another St.|Boston|US|02130|4535353535.35353535353','Jim Smth|123 Any Street|Boston|US|02134','Name|Address|City|Country|Pinode'}b = {'Jane Lee|248 Another St.|Boston|US|02130|4535353535.3535355353','Jim Smith|123 Any Stret|Boston|US|02134','Name|Address|Cty|Country|Pincode'}diff = [('ua.csv,'+ i) if i in a else ('pr.csv,'+ i) if i in b else '' for i in list(a ^ b)]if diff == []: print('Great!!! There are no differences')else: diff = sorted(diff, key=lambda v: v.split(',', maxsplit=1)[1]) print('\n'.join(diff))
ua.csv,Jane Lee|248 Another St.|Boston|US|02130|4535353535.35353535353pr.csv,Jane Lee|248 Another St.|Boston|US|02130|4535353535.3535355353pr.csv,Jim Smith|123 Any Stret|Boston|US|02134ua.csv,Jim Smth|123 Any Street|Boston|US|02134ua.csv,Name|Address|City|Country|Pinodepr.csv,Name|Address|Cty|Country|Pincode